Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Oakville Hydro.
Load displacement is generation behind the meter. In other words, generation for the purposes of reducing your electricity consumption or demand. It can be a renewable or non-renewable energy source. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
If you have any questions regarding load displacement, please contact Oakville Hydro's Generation Team by email at or by phone at 905-825-9400, ext: 2266.
A micro generation plant is described as a system for generating electricity with a capability of 10kW or less. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
Application process
Small generation facilities are defined as having a capacity greater than 10kW and up to 999 kW when connected to a distribution system. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
Application process
Medium-sized generation facilities are defined as having a capacity greater than 1 MW and up to 10 MW. Mid-sized generation facilities typically involve business or industrial establishments. These systems usually involve complex technical and financial issues and should only be considered if the client has considerable generation experience. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
Application process
Large-sized generation facilities are defined as having a capacity greater than 10 MW. Large-sized generation facilities typically involve business or industrial establishments. These systems usually involve complex technical and financial issues and should only be considered if the client has considerable generation experience. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
Application process
The process is dependent on size. For small and mid sized projects it may take anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
Prices can vary depending on project scope please submit an application for pricing.
Please submit an application to determine eligibility.
Please refer to your monthly hydro bill as it will indicate you current credit balance.
Please contact a renewable generation installation company for costs.