Load Displacement

What is load displacement? 

Load displacement is generation behind the meter. In other words, generation for the purposes of reducing your electricity consumption or demand. It can be a renewable or non-renewable energy source. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.

How do I get started?

  1. Find out more about the process: contact us and we will provide you with the technical specifications and the approval process. You should also contact the Electrical Safety Authority of Ontario (ESA), as your system must be inspected and approved by the ESA to guarantee that it is correctly connected to the grid.
  2. Investigate your alternatives for load displacement energy resources. Information can be provided by energy consultants, energy organizations, advisors and suppliers.
  3. Determine the size of the generation unit that will suit your needs. Use your prior bills as a starting point to tailor your system to your individual energy demand.

If you have any questions regarding load displacement, please contact Oakville Hydro's Generation Team by email at Engineering@oakvillehydro.com or by phone at 905-825-9400, ext: 2266.

Application process by generation class

10 kW or Less of Generation

A micro generation plant is described as a system for generating electricity with a capability of 10kW or less. The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.

Application process

  1. Information request
    • The client proposing the installation of renewable\non-renewable generation should contact Oakville Hydro and ESA. The customer will need to visit the Oakville Hydro website and fill out a Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR). The details can be found in the important documents section.
  2. Fill out the online application
    • The customer will need to visit the Oakville Hydro website and fill out the online application to Oakville Hydro which includes the nameplate rated capacity of the proposed generator, the fuel type, type of technology, and the location proposed.
    • The details can be found in the important documents section.
  3. ESA electrical inspection application & Oakville Hydro review
    • The customer will submit plans and specific information to ESA for inspection. At the same time, Oakville Hydro will review the application.
  4. Provision of information/offer to connect
    • Oakville Hydro will provide information regarding the connection process, approvals needed, technical requirements, contractual requirements and application forms.
    • If the customer meets all of the requirements, Oakville Hydro will issue an offer to connect and a connection agreement that must be signed and returned to us with your final payment.
  5. Customer develops a plan
    • The customer reviews the information provided by Oakville Hydro and ESA and develops an installation plan and a plan outlining who will need to be included and when.
  6. Decision to proceed and install
    • If the customer decides to proceed with the installation of their proposed generation, they will issue a payment to Oakville Hydro for any fee outlined in the Offer to Connect and will return a signed copy of the Connection Agreement to Oakville Hydro.
  7. Authorization to connect
    • The customer will receive an authorization to connect after the ESA inspection. Oakville Hydro will then install the new meter.
Important Documentation


Greater than 10 kW to 999 kW of Generation

Small generation facilities are defined as having a capacity greater than 10kW and up to 999 kW when connected to a distribution system.  The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.

Application process

  1. Information request
    • The client proposing the installation of renewable\non-renewable generation should contact Oakville Hydro and ESA. The customer will need to visit the Oakville Hydro website and fill out a Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR). The details can be found in the important documents section.
  2. Provision of information
    • Oakville Hydro will provide information regarding the connection process, approvals required, technical requirements, contractual requirements and application forms.
  3. Customer develops a plan
    • The customer reviews the information provided by Oakville Hydro and ESA and develops an installation plan. Such a plan shall include the size and type of generator, and a plan outlining who will need to be included and when. The customer will prepare detailed engineering drawings, submit all the plans to ESA for approval, and submit information to Oakville Hydro for design review. It is recommended that the design is provided to Oakville Hydro within 30 days.
  4. Connection impact assessment
    • The customer submits for a connection impact assessment by Oakville Hydro to be conducted for the chosen location. Information required includes the size of the generation facility; the type of generation facility; type and details of technology; fuel type; single line diagram; location; protection philosophy; and preliminary design of proposed interface protection. Oakville Hydro performs the connection impact assessment of the proposed generation on the distribution system. A Study agreement will be sent to the customer detailing requirements and cost.
    • A Hydro One Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) will be performed, if required.
  5. The decision to proceed and install
    • Upon receiving a successful CIA the customer can choose to continue with the generation installation.  A site visit will be scheduled to determine any site specific details of the project. An offer to connect will be sent to the customer detailing the cost as well as all requirements for the installation. Once the customer pays the offer to connect costs, both the customer and Oakville Hydro will commit to a schedule, a form of information exchange and the scope of work. Oakville Hydro will then initiate the work to be done to facilitate the connection.
  6. Commissioning and verification ​​​​​
    • Prior to scheduling commissioning, the commissioning check list, as well as ESA inspection will need to be submitted to Oakville Hydro.
    • The customer will arrange for the commissioning and testing of the generator. Oakville Hydro will send witnesses to verify the commissioning process as well as complete Oakville Hydro’s required commissioning portion.
  7. Connection agreement
    • The customer and Oakville Hydro agree to and sign the connection agreement. A letter of equivalency will need to be completed by an independent Professional Engineer.
Important Documentation


Between 1 MW to 10 MW of Generation

Medium-sized generation facilities are defined as having a capacity greater than 1 MW and up to 10 MW. Mid-sized generation facilities typically involve business or industrial establishments. These systems usually involve complex technical and financial issues and should only be considered if the client has considerable generation experience.  The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website. 

Application process

  1. Information request
    • The client proposing the installation of renewable\non-renewable generation should contact Oakville Hydro and ESA. The customer will need to visit the Oakville Hydro website and fill out a Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR).  The details can be found in the important documents section.
  2. Provision of information
    • Oakville Hydro will provide information regarding the connection process, approvals required, technical requirements, contractual requirements and application forms.
  3. Customer develops a plan
    • The customer reviews the information provided by Oakville Hydro and ESA and develops an installation plan. Such a plan shall include the size and type of generator, and a plan outlining who will need to be included and when. The customer will prepare detailed engineering drawings, submit all the plans to ESA for approval, and submit information to Oakville Hydro for design review. It is recommended that the design is provided to Oakville Hydro within 30 days.
  4. Connection impact assessment
    • The customer submits for a connection impact assessment by Oakville Hydro to be conducted for the chosen location. Information required includes the size of the generation facility; the type of generation facility; type and details of technology; fuel type; single line diagram; location; protection philosophy; and preliminary design of proposed interface protection. Oakville Hydro performs the connection impact assessment of the proposed generation on the distribution system. A Study agreement will be sent to the customer detailing requirements and cost.
    • A Hydro One Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) is required.
  5. The decision to proceed and install
    • Upon receiving a successful CIA from both Oakville Hydro and Hydro One the customer can choose to continue with the generation installation.  A site visit will be scheduled to determine any site specific details of the project. An offer to connect will be sent to the customer detailing the cost as well as all requirements for the installation. An offer to connect will be sent to the customer detailing the cost as well as all requirements for the installation. Once the customer pays the offer to connect costs, the customer, Oakville Hydro and Hydro One will commit to a schedule, a form of information exchange and the scope of work.
    • Hydro One will assign a project manager to oversee any Hydro One work that may be required.
  6. Connection agreement
    • The customer and Oakville Hydro agree to and sign the connection agreement. A letter of equivalency will need to be completed by an independent Professional Engineer.
  7. Commissioning and verification
    • The customer will arrange for and receive the Authorization to Connect from ESA. In addition, the customer will need to complete a pre-commissioning checklist before the commissioning day.
    • The customer will arrange for the commissioning and testing of the generator. Oakville Hydro will send witnesses to verify the commissioning process as well as complete Oakville Hydro’s required commissioning portion.
    • Hydro One’s project manager will co-ordinate all transfer trip and DMP point testing.
Important Documentation


More than 10 MW of Generation

Large-sized generation facilities are defined as having a capacity greater than 10 MW. Large-sized generation facilities typically involve business or industrial establishments. These systems usually involve complex technical and financial issues and should only be considered if the client has considerable generation experience.  The latest Load Displacement rules can be found on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.

Application process

  1. Information request
    • The client proposing the installation of renewable\non-renewable generation should contact Oakville Hydro and ESA. The customer will need to visit the Oakville Hydro website and fill out a Preliminary Consultation Information Request (PCIR). The details can be found in the important documents section.
  2. Provision of information
    • Oakville Hydro will provide information regarding the connection process, approvals needed, technical requirements, contractual requirements and application forms.
  3. Customer develops a plan
    • The customer reviews the information provided by Oakville Hydro and ESA and develops an installation plan. Such a plan shall include the size and type of generator, and a plan outlining who will need to be included and when. The customer will prepare detailed engineering drawings, submit all the plans to ESA for approval, and submit information to Oakville Hydro for design review. It is recommended that the design is provided to Oakville Hydro within 30 days.
  4. Connection impact assessment
    • The customer submits for a connection impact assessment by Oakville Hydro to be conducted for the chosen location. Information required includes the size of the generation facility; the type of generation facility; type and details of technology; fuel type; single line diagram; location; protection philosophy; and preliminary design of proposed interface protection. Oakville Hydro performs the connection impact assessment of the proposed generation on the distribution system. A Study agreement will be sent to the customer detailing requirements and cost.
    • A Hydro One Connection Impact Assessment (CIA) is required.
  5. The decision to proceed and install
    • Upon receiving a successful CIA from both Oakville Hydro and Hydro One the customer can choose to continue with the generation installation.  A site visit will be scheduled to determine any site specific details of the project. An offer to connect will be sent to the customer detailing the cost as well as all requirements for the installation. Once the customer pays the offer to connect costs, the customer, Oakville Hydro and Hydro One will commit to a schedule, a form of information exchange and the scope of work.
    • Hydro One will assign a project manager to oversee any Hydro One work that may be required.
  6. Connection agreement
    • The customer and Oakville Hydro agree to and sign the connection agreement. A letter of equivalency will need to be completed by an independent Professional Engineer.  
  7. Commissioning and verification
    • The customer will arrange for and receive the Authorization to Connect from ESA. In addition, the customer will need to complete a pre-commissioning checklist before the commissioning day.
    • The customer will arrange for the commissioning and testing of the generator. Oakville Hydro will send witnesses to verify the commissioning process as well as complete Oakville Hydro’s required commissioning portion.
    • Hydro One’s project manager will co-ordinate all transfer trip and DMP point testing.
Important Documentation


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?

The process is dependent on size. For small and mid sized projects it may take anywhere from 3 to 6 months.

How much does the process cost?

Prices can vary depending on project scope please submit an application for pricing.

Am I eligible for generation?

Please submit an application to determine eligibility.

How many credits do I have?

Please refer to your monthly hydro bill as it will indicate you current credit balance.

How much does a generation system cost?

Please contact a renewable generation installation company for costs.