Conservation Leadership Award Winner 2017

Published Date
Friday, March 31, 2017

(Oakville, ON) March 31, 2017 – Oakville Hydro presented Fourmark Manufacturing with its annual Conservation Leadership Award at the Oakville Chamber of Commerce’s Awards for Business Excellence.

Rob Lister presents the Conservation Leadership Award
Pictured: Rob Lister, President and CEO of Oakville Hydro and Adam Cruickshank, CEO of Fourmark Manufacturing.

Fourmark Manufacturing, a local plastics manufacturing plant, provides consumer products throughout the globe.  They constantly look for ways to improve their energy efficiency.  Fourmark has made significant changes to their business, such as retrofitting hydraulics on the molding equipment, upgrades to their refrigeration equipment and LED lighting upgrades.  Combined, their projects save well in excess of 1,000,000 kWh annually. 

Since 2008, Oakville businesses have received over $9 million in Save on Energy incentives for undertaking energy conservation programs such as replacement lighting, heating and cooling upgrades and high efficiency installations.

Congratulations to Fourmark and the four other finalists, for doing their part to reduce energy consumption in Oakville.

About Oakville Hydro

Oakville Hydro delivers reliable and safe electricity to more than 69,000 households and businesses in Oakville.  The company maintains an active commitment to conservation, safety, and is strongly invested in the social and economic well-being of the Oakville community.  Oakville Hydro received the 2015 Performance Excellence Award from the Electricity Distributors Association (EDA), recognizing the organization as an exceptional leader in the industry. 

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Cassandra Umbriaco
Communications Specialist 