
Information Regarding Generation Facilities Interconnection to Oakville Hydro

Important information to consider:

  • For all projects 20 kW and larger provision for SCADA Remote trip required (depending on CIA and utility this shall be implemented)
  • For all projects 1MW and larger Transfer Trip will be required.
  • For all projects (non renewable) 1MW and larger Gross Load Billing shall apply.
  • For all projects (renewable) 2MW and larger Gross Load Billing shall apply.

A list of Restricted Feeders and Generation Capacity Map can be found here.

Generation programs available:

One of the goals of the Provincial Government is to create more opportunities and encourage the connection of small generation facilities to the electrical distribution grid. As a result, under the direction of the Ministry of Energy, two programs are being offered to any Ontario electricity consumer who can generate electricity from renewable resources:

 These programs allow customers to generate some or all of their electric load requirements (referred to as load displacement), and also export the excess power onto the local distribution electrical grid (referred to as an embedded generator). The process is governed by regulated financial settlements with the Local Distribution Company (LDC) in accordance with the Retail Settlement Code (RSC). A generator customer can enter into a contract directly with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) for sale of renewable energy.

What do you need to know about embedded generation? Embedded generation is considered any generation facility which is not directly connected to the transmission grid, but instead is connected to a distribution system. (i.e., Oakville Hydro)

Oakville Hydro supports the incorporation of embedded generation facilities within the electrical distribution system in the Town of Oakville. The process is guided by the latest revision of the Distribution System Code (DSC) issued by the Ontario Energy Board. The Code sets out the minimum obligations that a licensed electricity distributor (such as a LDC) must meet in carrying out its obligations. The latest revision of the Code can be found on the official website of the OEB under Industry Relations/Rules, Codes, Guidelines and Codes.

Generators of electricity are divided into different sizes in accordance with the DSC.

Generator Classification

Generator Size

Available Programs


< = 10 kW

Net Metering


   > 10 kW and < = 1 MW

Net Metering 


   > = 500 kW and < = 10 MW

Net Metering


> 10 MW

Net Metering

Oakville Hydro will apply its Conditions of Service for any generation interconnection costs and/or any metering changes that Oakville Hydro deems necessary to allow for settlement purposes under a specific program.


Hydro One has a number of transformer stations within Oakville Hydro's service territory.
  • Bronte TS
  • Oakville TS
  • Palermo TS
  • Trafalgar TS

The ability of the Transformer Stations to accept new generation is monitored and controlled by Hydro One. This information can be found on the Hydro One Station Capacity Calculator. The process of generation interconnection to a distribution grid at a macro level follows this schematic. Oakville Hydro reserves the right to modify it accordingly from case to case.

Step-by-step generation connection process

Step 1: Generator contacts the utility to request basic information on generation interconnection.

Step 2: Utility provides information regarding the interconnection process and the external parties involved.

Step 3: Generator acquires information about Government Agencies and Regulations compliance.

Step 4: Generator decides to proceed with the project and makes an application to the utility.

Step 5: Utility performs Impact Assessment and provides an Offer to Connect.

Step 6: Utility and Generator enter into an Agreement (Contract)

Step 7: Generator submits drawings to the utility for approval.

Step 8: Generator installs facility according to the Agreement.

Step 9: Generator provides the utility with an Authorization to Connect from the Electrical Safety Authority.

Step 10: Utility connects the Generation Facility to the Distribution System.


Contact Information

For further inquiries on embedded generation interconnection to Oakville Hydro's system or on applications to interconnect a generation facility to Oakville Hydro's distribution system, please contact 905-825-9400 ext: 2266 or email