Survalent Developing Distribution State Estimation Software for Electric Utilities

Published Date
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Oakville Hydro and Survalent receive Smart Grid funding for developing Distribution State Estimation Software for electric utilities.

Survalent’s media release is provided below.

Survalent Developing Distribution State Estimation Software for Electric Utilities

To be piloted at Oakville Hydro; project funded in part by the Ontario Smart Grid Fund

BRAMPTON, ONTARIO — August 29, 2017 —Survalent, a leading provider of advanced distribution management systems (ADMS), today announced that it is developing an innovative, new data analytics tool that will more accurately predict the state of an electric grid based on detailed network connectivity modelling and telemetry from field devices. Funded in part by a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Energy’s Smart Grid Fund, Survalent’s Distribution State Estimation (DSE) engine will be tested at Oakville Hydro where it will be used in conjunction with Survalent FLISR to establish a self-healing network in the utility’s service territory.

“This project presents a tremendous opportunity for us to accelerate the development of a competitive, state-of-the-art distribution management system application for the electric utility market,” said Steve Mueller, president and chief executive officer of Survalent. “Utilities like Oakville Hydro will soon be able to leverage our advanced DSE engine to improve FLISR load transfer calculations, resulting in less outage time, increased network reliability, and greater customer satisfaction.”

The new DSE tool will extend the functionality of Survalent’s existing Distribution Power Flow (DPF) application to deliver a more accurate estimate of the network state in any given switching configuration, while taking into account smart-grid technologies. By providing more detailed insight about their distribution network, DSE will increase grid situational awareness and make it possible for fault location, isolation and service restoration (FLISR) systems to improve self-healing outcomes.

“We do our best to prepare for different load and outage scenarios, but we’re still very reactive when it comes to day-to-day load management,” said Jeff Mocha, Director of Smart Grid and Asset Management at Oakville Hydro. “With this application, we’ll be able to fine-tune our switching practices in advance, and maintain optimal voltage and load. From a systems perspective, it will be an enhanced level of capability.”

Oakville Hydro currently operates a progressive 24/7 Control Room correlating smart meter information with automated distribution equipment to drive efficient system operation.  Driving towards additional system enhancement, Oakville Hydro is in the process of gathering detailed information about network components and augmenting Geographic Information System records, all of which will be used to generate a high-quality network connectivity model that the DSE and FLISR applications can reference. The real-time grid automation enabled by DSE and FLISR will provide a foundation for additional smart-grid strategies at Oakville Hydro, such as the integration of renewable energy solutions into their network.

According to Mocha, “This is a transition from a ‘wires company’ philosophy, where we just connect supply and demand and restore when there’s a problem, to actively taking part in energy management within our system.”

Oakville Hydro’s implementation of Survalent FLISR with the DSE application is expected to reduce the duration and extent of power outages, a significant benefit for customers – especially those with large commercial and industrial operations.

Like SurvalentONE SCADA and OMS, applications which Oakville Hydro currently operates, the new DSE application will be fully integrated within Survalent’s ADMS platform, allowing utilities around the world to operate the new system using their existing database and familiar graphical interface.

Survalent expects to wrap up the DSE pilot project at Oakville Hydro by June of 2018.

About Ontario’s Smart Grid Fund

The Smart Grid Fund (SGF) accelerates the growth of Ontario’s smart grid industry through targeted financial support for projects that advance the development of the smart grid in Ontario and provide economic development opportunities. The SGF supports projects that test, develop and bring to market the next generation of grid solutions, helping consumers and businesses manage energy costs, improve conservation efforts, and integrate new beneficial technologies like electric vehicles and storage.

For more information, please visit

About Oakville Hydro

Oakville Hydro delivers reliable and safe electricity to more than 69,000 individuals, families and businesses in Oakville. The company maintains an active commitment to conservation, safety, and is strongly invested in the social and economic well-being of the Oakville community. Oakville Hydro received the 2015 Performance Excellence Award from the Electricity Distributors Association (EDA), recognizing the organization as an exceptional leader in the industry.

For more information, please visit, follow us on Twitter @oakvillehydro, or visit us on Facebook at  For information on power interruptions, visit

About Survalent

Survalent is the most trusted provider of advanced distribution management systems (ADMS) for electric, transit, gas and water/wastewater utilities across the globe. Over 600 utilities in 30 countries rely on the Survalent ONE platform to effectively operate, monitor, analyze, restore, and optimize operations. By supporting critical utility operations with a fully integrated solution, our customers have significantly improved operational efficiencies, customer satisfaction and network reliability. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and to our customers has been the key to our success for over 50 years. To learn more, visit us at Follow us on Twitter @Survalent and LinkedIn.